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Choosing the Right Card Machine for Your UK Business

Updated: Feb 15

In today's fast-paced digital age, cash transactions are becoming increasingly rare, and the convenience of card payments has taken centre stage in the world of business. Whether you run a small cafe, a retail store, or a mobile service, having the right card machine is essential for catering to your customer's payment preferences. In the UK, the options for card machines are abundant, making it crucial to choose the right one for your specific business needs. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the considerations and options to help you select the best card machine for your UK business, whether it's mobile, countertop, or wireless.

Understanding Your Business Needs

Before diving into the specifics of card machine types, it's essential to understand your business's unique requirements. Here are some key questions to consider:

  1. Business Type: Are you a brick-and-mortar store, an online business, or a mobile service provider? Your physical setup and mobility will greatly influence your choice of card machine.

  2. Transaction Volume: How many card transactions do you expect to process each day? This will determine the processing speed and capacity you require.

  3. Payment Methods: Do you want to accept only card payments, or do you also need to handle contactless payments, mobile wallet payments (like Apple Pay and Google Pay), or even cash?

  4. Connectivity: What kind of internet connection do you have access to at your business location? This will affect the options available to you.

  5. Budget: What is your budget for a card machine, including setup costs and ongoing fees? Different card machines come with varying price points and fee structures.

Now that you have a clear understanding of your business's needs, let's explore the different types of card machines available in the UK market:

1. Mobile Card Machines

Card Machines For Small Businesses

Mobile card machines are perfect for businesses on the go or those without a fixed location. These devices are wireless and rely on a mobile network or Wi-Fi connection to process payments. Here are some key features and considerations for mobile card machines:

Pros of Mobile Card Machines:
  • Portability: These machines are lightweight and can be carried anywhere, making them ideal for businesses like food trucks, market stalls, and event vendors.

  • Fast Transactions: Mobile card machines are known for their quick processing times, ensuring that you can serve customers efficiently, even during peak hours.

  • Flexibility: You're not tied to a specific location, giving you the freedom to take your business to various venues and events.

Cons of Mobile Card Machines:
  • Battery Life: Depending on usage, the battery life of mobile card machines can vary. It's essential to have a backup plan, such as a charger or spare battery, for longer events.

  • Initial Setup Costs: Setting up mobile card machines might require purchasing the device and possibly paying for a mobile data plan. Many mobile card machine providers will lump on extra costs before you even get to the high transaction fees. With Accepted Payment's mobile terminal, everything is all together from the start. £24.99 for Terminal, Data and Sim.

Popular options for mobile card machines in the UK include the iZettle Reader, Sum-Up Air, and Square Reader. Each comes with its respective issues and high transaction fees. Our transaction fees are also some of the lowest on the market. Unlike many other providers, we lay everything out at the start, with no nasty surprises.

2. Countertop Card Machines

Card Machines For Small Businesses

Countertop card machines are stationary devices designed for businesses with a fixed location, such as retail stores, cafes, and restaurants. These machines are typically connected to a power source and a stable internet connection. Here are some considerations for countertop card machines:

Pros of Countertop Card Machines:
  • Stability: Countertop machines are known for their stable connections, ensuring that payments are processed smoothly without interruptions.

  • Security: They are generally more secure than mobile devices, making them suitable for businesses that handle a high volume of transactions.

  • Integration: Many countertop machines can integrate with point-of-sale (POS) systems and inventory management software, streamlining your business operations.

Cons of Countertop Card Machines:
  • Lack of Mobility: These devices are fixed to a specific location, limiting their use for businesses that require mobility.

  • Initial Setup Costs: Setting up a countertop card machine may involve purchasing the device and potentially paying for installation and setup.

  • Space Requirement: You'll need a dedicated space on your counter for the machine, which may not be suitable for businesses with limited counter space.

Well-known options for countertop card machines in the UK include the Ingenico Desk/3500 and Verifone VX 680.

3. Wireless Card Machines

Small Business Card Machines

Wireless card machines offer a balance between mobility and stability. They are ideal for businesses that need to move around within their premises, such as restaurants, bars, or businesses with outdoor seating areas. Here are some key considerations for wireless card machines:

Pros of Wireless Card Machines:
  • Mobility: You can move around within a specific range, giving you more flexibility than countertop machines.

  • Stable Connection: Wireless machines typically have stable connections within their range, ensuring reliable payment processing.

  • Tableside Ordering: In restaurants, wireless card machines enable staff to take orders and payments at the table, enhancing the customer experience.

Cons of Wireless Card Machines:
  • Range Limitation: These devices have a limited range, so they may not be suitable for businesses with extensive outdoor areas.

  • Battery Life: Depending on usage, the battery life of wireless card machines can vary. Ensure you have a backup plan for charging.

  • Initial Setup Costs: Setting up wireless card machines may involve purchasing the device and ensuring proper coverage within your business premises.

Popular options for wireless card machines in the UK include the Ingenico Move/3500 and Verifone VX 690.

Additional Considerations When Choosing a Card Machine

Now that you have a better understanding of the types of card machines available, there are a few more factors to consider when making your decision:

1. Transaction Fees and Contracts:

Different card machine providers have varying fee structures. Some may charge a monthly fee, while others may have transaction-based fees. Read the fine print and compare options to find the most cost-effective solution for your business.

With Accepted Payments machines, we offer incredibly simple terms and the lowest fees possible. We regularly save customers hundreds of pounds per month in transaction fees when they switch to us. For more on our fees, take a look at our rates page.

2. Payment Methods:

Make sure the card machine you choose can accept the payment methods your customers prefer, including contactless payments and mobile wallets.

3. Security:

Security is paramount when handling card payments. Ensure that the card machine you select complies with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirements to protect sensitive customer data. Accepted Payments terminal packages include PCI compliance from the beginning.

4. Customer Support:

Consider the level of customer support provided by the card machine provider. Prompt and reliable support can be crucial when you encounter issues.

At Accepted Payments, we pride ourselves on our customer support. We limit the amount of customers we take on which allows us to deal with everyone personally. No bots, no AI, no outsourced call centres, just us. When you sign up for your terminal you even receive a call from our owner to make sure you have everything you need.

5. Accessories and Add-Ons:

Some card machine providers offer additional accessories like receipt printers, cash drawers, and barcode scanners. Depending on your business needs, these add-ons can enhance your operations.

6. Ease of Use:

Choose a card machine that is user-friendly for both you and your staff. Complicated interfaces can slow down transactions and lead to errors.

At accepted payments, our most popular terminal is our touchscreen mobile machine, the A920. However, we recognise every business is different so we do offer other terminals for those who need buttons.


Selecting the right card machine for your UK business is a crucial decision that can impact your operations and customer satisfaction. By carefully considering your business type, transaction volume, payment methods, connectivity, and budget, you can make an informed choice among the available options.

Mobile card machines are excellent for businesses on the move, while countertop machines offer stability for fixed locations. Wireless machines strike a balance between mobility and stability, making them suitable for businesses with moderate movement

Our recommendation for most businesses is to get a mobile card machine. You don't have to worry about signal or distance from a router and you don't have to stay in one place. Often in small businesses, the card machine is passed around to deal with customers in different areas of the store salon or cafe. For less stress and an easy flow of business, we recommend signing up for a mobile card machine. For more information on our Card Machines For Small Businesses, contact us today.

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